Donate to the Foundation
Contributions to the Foundation may be made online or by sending a check to the National Office. Thank you for your support of our mission.
Note: If you are a Fellow of the College, please log in before making your contribution to ensure your contribution is attributed to your giving record.
Hear from Trustee Henry Klingeman speak about why he gives, and why he thinks it's important for new Fellows to become Foundation contributors.
Grant Applications
The College's U.S. Foundation provides approximately $800,000 in grants annually to law-related, non-profit organizations. Grants typically range in size from $10,000 to the $150,000 Emil Gumpert Award, with most grants in the $20,000 to $50,000 range. The Foundation's principal purpose is to improve the administration of justice and, in particular, access to justice for underserved communities and individuals.
The Foundation welcomes grant applications for projects that are new and innovative and which may need start-up funds but which are expected to become self-sustaining. The Foundation favors projects that provide active legal assistance. The Foundation generally does not provide funds for general operating purposes, to support existing programs or to add new employees for existing programs.
Our Foundation Trustees meet several times each year, and grant applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
For a grant application, please select the link below. For more information on the Emil Gumpert Award and the separate application process for that Award, please refer to the Emil Gumpert Award page.