Featured Events

In addition to the Spring Meeting and the Annual Meeting, the College holds a Leadership Workshop (by invitation only) in the fall. There are Regional Meetings as well as local events for state and province chapters. See specific event information below.

Event Categories

For more information on local events in your state or province see upcoming events below.

National Meetings

Regional, State & Province Meetings

Special Programs

Outdoor aerial shot of a resort where ACTL spring 2024 was being held
2018 Moot Court with Sam Franklin


As part of its effort to support the Rule of Law, the quality of trial advocacy and ethics of the profession, the College sponsors four competitions for law students in the U.S. and Canada.

Sopinka Cup

The Sopinka Cup trial advocacy competition was established to honor the memory…

National Trial Competition

The American College of Trial Lawyers was a founding sponsor in 1975…

National Moot Court Competition

The National Moot Court Competition was founded in 1950, and it is…