The College has 62 State and Province Committees and 40 General Committees. State and Province Committees identify, investigate and nominate candidates for Fellowship in the College, as well as organize local outreach events and social events for Fellows. General Committees are each guided by their respective mandates.
Committee appointments are made on an annual basis by officers of the College. Terms begin immediately following the Annual Meeting, which is generally held in late September. If you are a Fellow and you are interested in serving on a committee, let us know.
Partnership with the National Constitution Center: Peer-to-Peer Scholar Exchange Program
If you are looking for an easy, fun and rewarding way to help further two of the College’s important goals – civics education and outreach to the greater community – the College is excited to partner with the National Constitution Center to teach civics to students through their Peer-to-Peer Scholar Exchange Program. For more information on the program and to learn how you can get involved, click below.
Judge at a Regional Competition
The College annually sponsors four competitions for law students. In Canada, we sponsor the Gale Cup and the Sopinka Cup. In the United States, we sponsor the National Moot Court Competition and the National Trial Competition. Both of the U.S. competitions are preceded by regional rounds, and Fellows are encouraged to serve as judges. Each of the competition web pages list the upcoming regional competition dates and the Fellow responsible for securing judges in that area.
Trial Advocacy Training
Numerous opportunities arise throughout the year for Fellows to participate in various types of trial advocacy training programs. Such opportunities are advertised in the eBulletin or via a special email message.
Local Events
Local events, such as a chapter annual dinner, are typically organized by the Chair of the State or Province Committee. Details may be noted on your chapter's page.