As the first in his family to attend college, Tom Vertetis was inspired to attend law school based on the encouragement of his father. It was the clearest path to try and make a big difference in helping others. With a passionate commitment to assisting victims in complex personal injury cases, including medical malpractice, wrongful death, sexual abuse, school liability, and civil rights claims, Tom works tirelessly to help those with the greatest needs.

Tom has consistently obtained success in the courtroom, including many multi-million-dollar plaintiffs verdicts, having led more than 50 jury trials, as well as hundreds of significant settlements. He obtained a $165-million product liability jury verdict against Monsanto for six teachers and one custodian exposed to chemicals (PCBs) that caused injuries, including cancer and brain injury, a $13.95-million medical malpractice jury verdict for a medically fragile young adult who suffered an embolic stroke during an elective cardiac catheterization, and a federal civil rights jury verdict for a school districts violation of a disabled students constitutional right to equal protection and bodily integrity.

Treating every case as if it is his only one, he works diligently to understand the numerous facts and complicated medical issues involved in each matter. As the father of a special needs child, he is a strong advocate and champion for disabled children and is particularly zealous about cases involving children. Outside work, Tom donates much of his time to nonprofits that support medically fragile children and autism awareness.

Company Firm

Pfau Cochran Vertetis Amala PLLC

Firm Mailing

909 A St Ste 700
United States of America

Fellow Since

September 23, 2023

Practice Areas

  • Civil Rights-Plaintiff
  • Insurance-Plaintiff
  • Medical Malpractice-Plaintiff
  • Personal Injury-Plaintiff


  • Washington