Retired from law firm practice June 30, 2016 after 50+ years concentrating on commercial and employment law litigation with Chicago firms. Now providing commercial and employment mediation and arbitration services as a neutral solo.

ADR TRAINING. Have taken a 40-hour mediator training course given by U.S. Arbitration and Mediation, and shorter arbitrator training courses given by the AAA and the National Futures Association (NFA). Since retiring, have taken additional training courses given by FINRA (four parts, on-line), the Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) (40 hours), the Circuit Court of Cook County (one half-day), and the Center for Dispute Resolution (one full day). Over the years, have attended many, and have taught at several, ADR CLE programs.

PARTICIPATION IN ADR PROCEEDINGS. On lists of neutrals maintained by the AAA, the CPR Institute for Dispute Prevention and Resolution, the NFA, and the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL. Have served, or scheduled to serve, as a neutral in mediations and/or arbitrations administered by each of them and others. In addition, have been an advocate in numerous mediations administered by the AAA, JAMS, and other organizations, and in many settlement conferences conducted by federal and state court judges. .

PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS AND HONORS. Elected Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and an elected member of the American Law Institute. Have served as a Circuit Vice President of the national Federal Bar Association (FBA) and as President of the FBA’s Chicago Chapter. Active participant in ISBA and Chicago Bar Association committees and honored by both associations for committee service.

EDUCATION, PRACTICE, AND COMMUNITY SERVICE. Undergraduate and law degrees from Harvard College (A.B. 1959) and Harvard Law School (LL.B. 1962). Admitted to the Illinois Bar in 1962. After law school graduation, clerked for two years for Northern District of Illinois Judge Hubert L. Will. Following the clerkship, practiced at the firm of Pope Ballard for 29 years until it dissolved, at D’Ancona & Pflaum for 9 years until it merged with Seyfarth Shaw, and then 13 years with Seyfarth. Pro bono work with Chicago Volunteer Legal Services, the Cook County Domestic Violence Legal Clinic, the National Immigrant Justice Center, Lawyers for the Creative Arts, and the Cabrini Green Legal Aid Clinic. Served for nine years on the Board of Directors of the Legal Assistance Foundation of Chicago. Currently serving on the Boards of the Chicago Opera Theater and the Grant Park Music Festival.

Company Firm


Firm Mailing


Fellow Since

September 1, 1991

Practice Areas

  • Commercial Arbitration


  • Illinois-Upstate