For 25 years, Ludmila has acted for clients in corporate, commercial, regulatory and public law matters dealing with shareholder and other corporate disputes, contractual issues, real property (including property tax), energy regulation, anti-money laundering issues and many others.

She has represented clients before all trial and appellate courts in British Columbia as well as the Federal Court and the Supreme Court of Canada. Ludmila also often argues cases before arbitrators and administrative tribunals, including the British Columbia Utilities Commission and the Property Assessment Appeal Board. She acted for a participant in the Cullen Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering in British Columbia.

Ludmila frequently chairs and presents at conferences and publishes on issues pertaining to her practice. She was featured in the February 2023 Spotlight of the Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia for her longstanding contributions to legal education. She is one of the two co-authors of Commercial Arbitration in Canada: Domestic and International Arbitrations, a leading text on arbitration law that has been cited by trial and appellate courts across Canada. She is also the assistant editor of, and a regular contributor to, the Advocate, a legal journal circulated to all lawyers in British Columbia with a readership throughout the Commonwealth.

Company Firm

Farris LLP

Firm Mailing

700 West Georgia St 25th Fl
British Columbia
V7Y 1B3

Fellow Since

September 23, 2023

Practice Areas

  • Administrative
  • Arbitration
  • Class Action-Defense
  • Class Action-Plaintiff
  • Commercial Arbitration
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Constitutional
  • Energy, Mining, Oil, Gas
  • Land/Title Litigation
  • Regulatory-Defense
  • Regulatory-Plaintiff
  • Tax
  • Trust and Estate


  • British Columbia