Anthony R. (Tony) Gallagher graduated with distinction from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Following service in the United States Army during the Viet Nam conflict, he received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Baltimore School of Law. After about seven years as a prosecutor, Tony became an Assistant Federal Public Defender for the District of Maryland. He was in private practice for a brief period in the late 1980s, then rejoined the Maryland Federal Public Defender first as a Supervisory Assistant, then Acting Federal Public Defender. In 1992 he was selected as the first Executive Director of the Federal Defenders of Montana, Inc., administering the organization and carrying a caseload until his retirement in March 2022.
During his 30 years as Montanas Federal Defender, he served on s several national, Ninth Circuit, and local court administration and policy committees while maintaining an active trial and appellate caseload. After retiring, he reentered private practice concentrating on federal criminal defense and consulting. Tony continues public service as a volunteer member of several governing and advisory boards, including as a Trustee of the Montana Bar Association.
Having tried over 400 cases to verdict in his career, Tony is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and was named Criminal Defense Lawyer of the Year (2005 and 2022) by the Montana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. He was the 2016 recipient of the Ninth Circuits John Frank Award presented to outstanding attorneys practicing in federal courts in the Western United States. He has been an adjunct professor, guest lecturer, and CLE presenter throughout the United States.
For over four decades Tony officiated high school and small college football and umpired American Legion baseball.
Company Firm
Anthony Gallagher Law
Firm Mailing
3501 12th Ave S
Great Falls
United States of America
Fellow Since
March 2, 2013
Practice Areas
- Criminal Defense
- Montana
Contact Info